NAC hosts 2 home swim meets each Winter and an Intersquad Meet.
Intersquad Meet - Each year we hold an Intersquad meet for NAC swimmers only. It is basically a "practice meet" so swimmers can get the feel of hearing the starting commands, going off the blocks, and competing. It can be somewhat intimidating at a large pool like BGSU, so our hope is that the swimmers, especially new or younger ones, can compete in their home pool first where they feel more comfortable before trying it out at a larger pool. This is also a great time for parents to practice timing or ask questions if needed. Because this is just a "practice meet", times won't be registered in Meet Mobile or on Team Unify.
NAC Mini Meet - Our NAC Mini Meet is only for 10 year olds and younger. Like the Intersquad meet, this is a great meet for new or younger swimmers. This is a full competition meet with other programs but is less intimidating as there are no older kids. Times will be registered in Meet Mobile and on Team Unify. This is usually a Sunday afternoon and only takes about 2 hours. Kids will recieve medals or ribbons if they place in the top 8 in their event. This is a great meet for the younger kids to attend!
NAC Valentine Meet - This meet is also a full competition meet for all age groups of kids (8 & Under - 14 years old). It is a a two day meet on Saturday and Sunday. The morning sessions are for the older kids (ages 11 - 14) and the afternoon sessions are for the younger kids (ages 10 and under). The morning sessions usually start around 9 and end about noon. The afternoon sessions start around 1:00 and end about 4:00. Like the Mini Meet, there will be 5-6 other programs competing with us and times will be registered in Meet Mobile and on Team Unify.
*** Both the Valentine and the Mini Meet are actually fundraisers for us so it is important that we have parents volunterring to help. We need help timing, running papers, announcing events, organizing kids, and donating food for hospitatily. There is more information on our "Meet Volunteers" page. Please consider helping out at these meets and feel free to ask questions if needed.