Winter Pool Locations


BGSU - Bowling Green State University

             Student Rec Center - Cooper Pool

             1411 Ridge St

             Bowling Green, Ohio

***Parking at BGSU is either across the street at the hockey rink or in the parking lot behind the REC center and music building



Fremont – Fremont Ross High School               

                  Hawk-Bucci Natatorium

                  1100 North St

                  Fremont, Ohio

***Parking is both in front or behind the school.  The back parking lot is closer to the pool and the wrestling room, where the NAC swimmers often set up camp.



WAUSEON –  Wauseon High School

                        840 Parkview St

                        Wauseon, OH

*** Parking is behind the school



NAPOLEON -  Napoleon High School 

                        701 Briarheath Ave

                        Napoleon, Ohio