1. Click on the "calendar" tab on the home screen

2. Click on "team events" in the gray stripe.  You should then see all of our events we have going on, incuding swim meets, fundraising, team meals, and any other events we may have.  

3. On the right side of the page, it should say "attend/decline" on a pink button.  When you click that, it will take you to a page with your child's name.  

4. Click on their name.

5. You should see the word "SELECT".  Click on the down arrow beside it and it will allow you to choose "yes, please sign my child up" or "no, thanks, my child will not be attending".  Choose the correct one and save.  

6. There should be a "notes" section where you can let coaches know if you will be tparticipating in the meet for both days or just one.  

7. Repeat for any other children you have in swimming.  


**You will need to sign up for each meet your child plans to attend

***DO NOT choose your swimmer's events.  The coaches will choose for them.  

**You can also sign up to time at the meets on the same page.  Simply click the green "job signup" button instead of the "attend/decline" button.